Here's just a small sampling of the natural treasures we've helped preserve over the years...
In the beginning, there was an ice-house on wheels at the Art Shanty Projects.
The Shanty
Evolved from a pedal-powered ice-fishing shack, the Shanty is now a two-story, flame-throwing, bandstand that you steer and brake from the rooftop. Six pedal stations allow the occupants to propel the Shanty, and it can really stop on a dime.
The shiny and new Pedal Cloud in 2008.
Pedal Cloud
Originally commissioned by Forecast Public Art and created by Hans Early-Nelson (Primitive Precision), M.P. Carlyle, Julia, and Juliana. This beast has 4 speeds with reverse and many meters of stainless TIG welding. It has jumped lots of curbs, had a giant bear puppet attached to it (Pedal Bear Project), and been adjusted and repaired by dozens of volunteers over its lifetime. Ain't no pedal pub. BYOB.
Seen here on fire, in motion, and lined up to skate.
First created as a mobile music stage and used at the Flow Arts Crawl and Open Streets on the Northside, this trailer evolved into a caged-in flaming half-pipe. It was used as a platform for DJ Shannon Blowtorch and an amazing group of dancers at the 2015 Twin Cities Pride Parade with Grown & Sexy Pride.
Ferris wheel, 2015.
Ferris Wheel
Surprisingly safe and smooth (to ride). Remember to keep your hands inside your carriage (not like image above). This ride takes you over 20ft in the air for as long as the people on the ground will push you around on it. Extremely fun to build and good ol' fashioned fun for ages 1 year to 100+.
Southside schooner / crane
Impossible to define or fit into a single photograph, this 10,000lb+ demon of i-beams and snatch blocks is our heaviest and tallest yet. Graced by strong aerialist performers (Sara Colene, Nastaaja Johnson, [please help me add your name here if you already performed!!]) the craneship must be seen to be believed. A Prince tribute eyeball ship's wheel was added in 2016.
Grilldozer rides alone, 2014.
The Grilldozer can cook a lot of chickens and steers in reverse. It's fucking awesome.
Kitchen Grill Trailer
The Kitchen trailer has been reincarnated on many axles with various rotisseries, but currently it has running water, storage, stainless pop-out prep surfaces, a smoker grill, and a large rotisserie (fits 2 goats). Head Chef Zoe, Grillmaster Ben and friends create free fresh tacos for 300+ persons at the parade's end. We slaughter and butcher our own meat from Whetstone Farm in Wisconsin. Giving out food is one way we celebrate the spring.