Photo above is the Caged Skate Ramp in 2015.
Since 2008, we have led various incarnations of a human powered train along the annual May Day Parade route after a months-long build. (Shout out to In the Heart of the Beast Theater) We have also been seen at numerous Twin Cities arts events with our floats and trailers.
“I love it.”
Not as simple as it looks - Trivia?
- Did you know it takes 100 people minimum to run the entire train safely down the parade route?
- Did you know that the Shanty and Pedal Cloud have hydraulic brake systems and the Crane/ship has mechanical brakes modeled after the railroad?
- Did you know the Cog Tower (2009 only) had reverse steering?
- Did you know the Grilldozer also has reverse steering?
- The youngest welder who has welded on the Battletrain was 9 years old.
- Did you know that for one straight May Day build we ate mostly hot dogs?
- For one build we ate mostly chicken legs from the corner store?
- More trivia? coming soon....